>>"There are so many forex traders that follow a particular way of forex trading and in the end don't succeed in the main goal of making money. This is because their ego, pride and determination to succeed at a particular method has the effect of blinding them to other forex trading money making opportunities..

95% of traders fail - who is to blame? Bad luck? The Markets? No.

Trading success has nothing to do with luck - it has everything to do with YOU. If you don’t want to learn and are not prepared to put in any effort, you won’t win at forex trading. If you want to make money in life it requires you learn skills.

The good news is that if you apply yourself and learn the correct knowledge, you can learn the skills you need to succeed quickly and easily.."

Elliot Wave and How To Use It With Forex

Can the Elliot Wave really make your Forex trading better. Does it really work? In short, the answer is most certainly, "Yes." However, it is best used in context of other indicators as well as other tools available to the Forex trader. Let's take a little further look into the Elliot Wave.

Forex traders need every edge they can get as the market does not give anything away. That is where technical analysis comes in. It allows the forex trader to get an edge on the currency market. The best of all the technical indicators is widely believed to be Elliot Wave Analysis. Here is the reason why:

Elliott Wave analysis is very useful for showing trends and the potential price targets for a given trend. As they say, "The trend is your friend." If a Forex trader can spot the trend in time then trading becomes a whole lot easier and more profitable. When you are looking for a trade setup the Elliot Wave Analysis works perfectly for long and short currency pairs.

The idea behind this analysis is that the Forex market moves in continual wave patterns and through the data provided with the Elliot Wave, a trader can get a jump on a trend otherwise unidentifiable. The bottom line is that this technical indicator flat out works BUT it is not perfect as there is no holy grail available to traders. Honestly, the best thing a trader can do is to get their hands on good Forex trading software and compliment it with good technical indicators such as the Elliot Wave Analysis.

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